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Chris Wyllie - Learn More


Brain Specialist

Chris Wyllie is a leading Brain Specialist & Mental Health Educator. Chris uses neuroscience, neurotechnologies & psychological methodologies to engineer lasting changes in your brain, mind & behaviour.

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Chris' Background & Experience 

Chris is a leading Brain Specialist & Mental Health Expert. Chris' academic background and degrees are in Neuroscience and Psychology from Western University. Chris runs his own private practice in which he uses QEEG Brain Mapping, Neurotechnologies & Cognitive therapies to optimize brain function for children & adults with Autism, ADHD, Dyslexia, Anxiety & Anxiety-related disorders. 


Over the last ten years, Chris has performed over 5000 QEEG Brain Maps, assessing & optimizing brain activity with clients as well as quantifying the effect of various interventions on brain activity. Chris has tested the effects of meditation, qigong, hypnosis, cognitive therapy, neurofeedback, nootropics, nutraceuticals & many new health technologies on brain activity both in real time and across time. 


Growing up Chris suffered from severe anxiety & panic attacks. At the beginning of third year university, Chris was hospitalized and 40 lbs under-weight after 3 straight panic attacks. At this point Chris made it his mission to learn everything possible to optimize the human brain. 


During and after his university studies, Chris pursued a diverse range of apprenticeships with world leading experts in neuroscience and psychology. Chris apprenticed with neuroscientists on the cutting edge, through whom he got access to EEG, Brain Mapping and Neuro-modulation technologies starting at just 19 years of age. For example, one of Chris’ teachers and friends is Neuroscientist and Clinical Psychologist, Dr. Nick Dogris who’s Neurofield technologies Chris has used for over 10 years. Chris has studied with several brilliant Neurosurgeons who taught him rare in-depth insights about the psychology and physics of the brain. 


On his quest for mastery, Chris studied with and became a disciple of a Shaolin Monk and Shaolin Qigong Master whom he trained with for over 6 years. Chris thoroughly studied and explored the effects of meditation on brain function and cognition, combining eastern philosophy and western science like never before.  


Chris apprenticed with the co-creator of Neurolinguistic Programming Dr. Richard Bandler for over three years. In this relationship, Chris learned NLP, Hypnosis and Cognitive-Behaviour Reprogramming techniques directly from the Master. In the 1970s, Dr. Bandler modelled world renonwed medical hypnotherapist Milton H. Erikson MD, the creator of Gestalt Therapy Fritz Perls, famous family therapist Virginia Satir and many more explicitly outlining the psychology, linguistics, behavioural techniques used by these masters to achieve life-changing results with their clients. 


Chris speaks across the globe educating on the brain and mental health. In his speeches, Chris performs live demonstrations putting science into real-life application to help clients make powerful brain & behavioural changes such as alleviating anxiety, overcoming fears, traumas, phobias and optimizing learning, memory & cognition. Chris applies his one-of-a-kind expertise in neuroscience, psychology & brain nutrition to help individuals and organizations globally. 


In short, when people want to figure out and optimize their brain, Chris is the man they call. Chris’ passion, leadership and transformative impact on others is one-of-a-kind. 

For Coaching & Neurotherapy 
with Chris 




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